RH Contracting Enterprises Inc. i Hawthorne

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526, Commerce Street, 10532, Hawthorne, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-747-7592
internet side: www.rhcontracting.biz
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Latitude: 41.1138558, Longitude: -73.7916117

kommentar 5

  • Catriona Runcie

    Catriona Runcie


    This guy was shady the moment we signed a contract with him. His team was too small, too inexperienced and trying to do too much with too little. Our house was flooded so many times during construction that I literally lost count. Took our roof off and didn't get it back on again for months. In the architect's words, and we totally agree: the quality of their work was shoddy. We caught him billing us for things we'd already paid for, billing too far ahead, and billing us for things he said he'd bought but hadn't. I could go on all day but, suffice to say, he was a nightmare to deal with, the quality of his work was terrible, and I wouldn't recommend him to my worst enemy. Steer clear!

  • Juliette Stradinger

    Juliette Stradinger


    BUYER BEWARE NOTIFICATION: We are a sub-contracting company that did a good amount of work for RH Contracting back in 2016. We were welcomed on site by Wayne & Roy & were told about their good reputation & long line of respectful clientele they work with. Regrettably, we have not been paid for our services that were completed back in June & August of 2016. In fact, we haven't even received a return courtesy phone call to make a payment arrangement since their account has been in collections with us since September of 2016. Very disappointing turn of events that has left us with a bad taste in our mouths.

  • Brandon Gross

    Brandon Gross


    I can't say enough about Roy, his team, and the quality of their work. Roy bailed me out from a contractor who canceled on our job 3 days before the start date. From the moment he walked into the door, I was relieved. He asked 50 questions that hadn't been asked, he provided solutions to every problem, and he was upfront and honest. His pricing is fair for the quality of service and work he provides. His team is reliable and responsive and the quality of the work is superb. After all the horror stories I saw friends go though and experienced myself, RH Contracting really saved us!

  • Marco Graci

    Marco Graci


    hi your company demonstrates all the quality a honest true good contractor company needs

  • Tyler Howard

    Tyler Howard


    thanks so much my house is beautiful now... this is the best contracting company ever !!!! If you need a renovation, come here for it!!!!!

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