RFK Stadium i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRFK Stadium


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2400, East Capitol Street Southeast, 20003, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-547-9077
internet side: eventsdc.com
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Latitude: 38.8898532, Longitude: -76.9718667

kommentar 5

  • Briana Kornegay

    Briana Kornegay


    Cool place. Looks really run down. The parking lots are where the events happen. Not bad at all. Convenient location!

  • en

    Kim Aytch


    Many parking lots. Outside was nice. Although the event wasn't held in the building the area outside was great. The event was the national cannabis festival and everything was great. Security was in full effect but gave us peace. Perfect place to hold a cannabis festival. If the event is outside come prepared with seats.

  • en

    Marilyn Breedlove


    Great event held on grounds of RFK today ~ Have been to many over 30 years. Always an easy drive & patking. With short walk to event areas. Safe, clean ♡ DC

  • Edward Parsons

    Edward Parsons


    Classic DC. Although that Skins do not play here anymore, the vibe that you get when you are merely on the grounds brings back memories of the glory days of the Red Skins greats that stepped on the gridiron.

  • jose smith

    jose smith


    I will miss my dc United games at rfk. The supporter clubs are what made the stadium worth visiting on every home game. Lot 8 will be missed.

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