Retina Consultants of Minnesota - Edina w Edina

Stany ZjednoczoneRetina Consultants of Minnesota - Edina



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3601, West 76th Street, 55435, Edina, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 952-929-1131
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.8642846, Longitude: -93.3254348

komentarze 5

  • Mark Bernstein

    Mark Bernstein


    Great staff with excellent care. Appointment was on time, performed all tests in a very timely manner and kept the process operating very smoothly. Great patient care and follow up. Everyone was very professional and proficient.

  • Teresa Brown

    Teresa Brown


    In the past 3 years RCM has done an unbelievable job in helping me with my eyesight issues. Dr. Mittra and his team have done everything possible to help me and have gone above and beyond that call of duty to restore my eyesight. This journey has been a long one but, well worth every minute! I am so very grateful and thankful that my optometrist was able to get me into this phenomenal facility! THANK YOU RCM!

  • Jay Lammers

    Jay Lammers


    I was very impressed with the clinic facilities and staff. Everyone was very friendly and supportive. They took plenty of time to explain things to me and ask if I had any questions and how I was doing. As this was my first visit, I was quite nervous about it and possible treatments. I left feeling very blessed and good about the experience.

  • Ann Radil

    Ann Radil


    Dr. Dev is very attentive, professional, knowledgeable and has great patient interaction/care. He listens to your concerns, walks you through the process both short term and long term. I've been a patient for over ten years and there is no one else I trust!

  • Shelly Hilgers

    Shelly Hilgers


    The office staff was very well organized and the process of being a new patient was seamless. The exam and scans were very thorough and the Doctor clearly explained everything to me. All my questions were answered. My next appointment was set up before I left the office. Would highly recommend!

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