Residence Inn by Marriott Tucson Williams Centre i Tucson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterResidence Inn by Marriott Tucson Williams Centre



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5400, East Williams Circle, 85711, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 520-790-6100
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.2199669, Longitude: -110.877418

kommentar 5

  • Dejacques Cole

    Dejacques Cole


    Nice and cozy. The one bedroom suite was great and full kitchenette. Showers are good and views are ok. Staff was very helpful and friendly. Would recommend.

  • en

    Ricardo Davila


    Professional and friendly service. Free breakfast (plenty of choices ), good wifi, small conference tables near the lobby, and washers / driers available for $1.50 each. Plenty of restaurants and shopping nearby.

  • en

    Diane Waterman-DePoint


    I travel frequently all over the country and overseas only using Marriotts. The Residence Inn Tucson is by far one of the best Marriott's I've ever stayed in. The staff and management are extremely kind and helpful... and the chef who cooked the food for the "light dinner" M-W is magnificent.

  • Steve McGlumphy

    Steve McGlumphy


    Overall nice. You can tell that it was rebranded at some point. Has that older hotel feel but with a fresh modern update to it. Service was great. Room was clean. Pool was nice. Breakfast was decent.

  • Gary Lown

    Gary Lown


    No complaints. I probably could have shopped for a better price with similar amenities but we had a cheer competition in town and wanted to stay in the same spot as other teammates. Pool and hot tub were great. Kids loved it. Breakfast was good.

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