Residence Inn by Marriott Seattle Downtown/Lake Union w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneResidence Inn by Marriott Seattle Downtown/Lake Union



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Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
800, Fairview Ave N, 98109, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-624-6000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6265483, Longitude: -122.3334561

komentarze 5

  • en

    Douglas Evans


    We had a nice stay for a long weekend. If you've been to a residence Inn you will know what to expect... the suites are clean and have a bedroom, sitting room with a small balcony, kitchenette and bathroom. Breakfast is good, with a good selection of hot and cold items to help yourself to. Staff are courteous and the decor is pleasant. Not the best location however, you're a bus ride or cab from most of the tourist attractions. It's very close to Lake union which is picturesque and has a few nice but slightly overpriced restaurants, but apart from that the area is pretty empty. Offices and storage units and such. It's a pretty long walk to the nearest store for example.

  • shelly Chadda

    shelly Chadda


    The best part about this place is the location and kitchenette. Everything is available within a walking distance. Bus stop and Streetcar stop is right outside. The breakfast is same with limiting veg options. Rooms are good and clean. Hotel has a nice gym and pool area. Overall, a good place to stay for longer duration.

  • Ramalingam Suryakumar

    Ramalingam Suryakumar


    Awesome 3 star place. Compact kitchen. Try the corner suites, they seem to be larger. If you are staying for more than 3 days the free breakfast spread may be limiting. Awesome location near the cove. In case sailing is in your list you may enjoy the proximity. Small Market and Free coffee through out the day.

  • Ashish Vaidya

    Ashish Vaidya


    Good spacious rooms with a balcony and kitchen/kitchenette. Typical fitness center with couple of treadmills. Indoor pool had nice hot water but too much of chlorine content. For the price paid, it's reasonable in SLU area. Breakfast is included but menu is exactly the same everyday.

  • en

    Thomas Young


    This is a beautiful hotel with a great breakfast. My check in was great as well. The whole staff here is really helpful. I used the guest laundry and it was super convenient. It's just a wonderful place. Also my room has a balcony and I have an AWESOME view of Lake Union so yeah I'm happy.

najbliższy Kwatera

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