Residence Inn by Marriott Charlotte Uptown i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterResidence Inn by Marriott Charlotte Uptown



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404, South Mint Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-340-4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2270852, Longitude: -80.8495084

kommentar 5

  • Chris Jones

    Chris Jones


    Great hotel in the heart of downtown Charlotte for significantly less money then any other similar hotel. The free shuttle to and from the convention center was awesome. All in all it was a great room, great staff, great experience.

  • Howie Morgasen

    Howie Morgasen


    Hotel is very nice. The room I had was good and was clean and neat. The free shuttle service was very convenient and the drivers knew the area and were professional.

  • en

    Rachael Conners


    I really enjoyed my stay here. Trendy room, smart TV that plays your music, view of the park out my window, super friendly staff, and convenient shuttle that will take you anywhere within 2 miles of the hotel. Continental breakfast was a good variety. Would certainly come back

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    Jamie McKnight


    I stay here regularly when I travel to Charlotte for business. I'm never disappointed with the staff or the hotel itself. The amenities speak for themselves, the bar, restaurant, and Lobby are immaculate. Close to everything you need in the Uptown area

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    Sdc Clt


    I hosted a slumber birthday party for my daughter here. The staff was friendly during the planning stage though I had to wait a while for the manager. Breakfast was awesome though the line was quite long. Parking is tricky here for drop-offs because there's a limited time before you have to pay. They're so close to the Knights baseball stadium. It would be nice to know from them when the fireworks are so you can get a room with a view if you want to see them.

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