Residence Inn by Marriott Baltimore Downtown/ Inner Harbor i Baltimore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterResidence Inn by Marriott Baltimore Downtown/ Inner Harbor



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17, Light Street, 21202, Baltimore, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 410-962-1220
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.2886401, Longitude: -76.6134461

kommentar 5

  • Kandace Roe

    Kandace Roe


    CHECK YOUR BILL CAREFULLY!!! I had nearly $170 in international charges charged to my room. They would not call me back and ignored my requests to understand why I was charged. FINALLY Marriott corporate got involved and I was refunded because I never made any calls while I was staying. The rooms are fine, but STAY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND CAREFULLY CHECK YOUR BILL! It was super sketchy.

  • en

    Michael Johnson


    BEWARE! My family and I stayed @ The Residence Inn by Marriott at 17 Light St. Baltimore, MD 21202 in Baltimore Harbor Downtown before our 12 day cruise. On April 14th my son stepped on a nail sticking out of the carpet and ripped his big toe open. I immediately went to the front desk and asked for a manager. They said she would be there in 10 minutes....2 1/2 hours later she finally shows up. They took a report. I took my son to see the Dr. on The Grandeur and they said everything will be okay BUT he can not be in salt water or sand until it is healed. We had to cancel our snorkeling, beach excursions and couldn't swim in the pool. I contacted an attorney but BY MARYLAND LAW if there was NOT a work order to fix the issue before any incident they are not liable for anything! My son and our families 12 day vacation was ruined by there negligence! Think twice about staying in Maryland before your trip, especially this place!

  • en

    Steve Davis


    It's a nice enough hotel. It's conveniently located. Good price for the area. Quick walk to the waterfront. I find it disconcerting that the buttons are arranged differently in the two, side by side, elevators. Nevertheless, I like staying there. Nice little bar and restaurant. Friendly staff.

  • en

    Gord Dobbin


    This was my first visit to Baltimore so I relied on online reviews. They were to understated. Very dated rooms and infrastructure. Staff were friendly and helpful. I would not stay here again, until extensive renovations are completed.

  • Samuel Schwartz

    Samuel Schwartz


    Excellent place to stay. Rooms are good and maintained well. Complimentary breakfast has a lot of variety. The staff are very nice, friendly and helpful! I would definitely stay there on my next visit to Baltimore.

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