Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel i Pittsburgh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRenaissance Pittsburgh Hotel



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107, 6th Street, 15222, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 412-562-1200
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Latitude: 40.4436873, Longitude: -80.0024292

kommentar 5

  • SteampunkPagan



    Some friends of mine from the D.C. area gave me a Birthday gift of a Pirates Baseball game & stay at this great hotel. I am poor, old & was way underdressed yet the staff treated me with great dignity & respect. Talking to me about the history of the area & things like I was a real person. The hotel itself was wonderful the bed was the most comfortable sleep I have ever had in my 53 years of life & the shower was just wonderful. It is close to so much as well. I had what for me was one of the best stays in a hotel ever.

  • en

    Lauren Jname


    Beautiful hotel! Classic detail with modern touches. Guest rooms have great beds and plenty of space. Surrounded by restaurants and entertainment. Bar and nice restaurant on site. Reasonably priced, as is the parking garage across the street. A must stay in Pittsburgh.

  • en

    Julia Martin


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... I am giving the Renaissance 5 stars mainly for the customer service. Once we checked in, the staff was more than accommodating. They never appeared annoyed with all of my requests, but seemed genuinely happy to help. We never felt a burden to them. The only downside was some issues with the elevator but I know they are working on getting that fixed. The location is also a huge plus - there are dozens of restaurants, bars, and entertainment sites within literally a 5 minute walk.

  • Shannon Torres

    Shannon Torres


    I am giving the Renaissance 5 stars mainly for the customer service. Once we checked in, the staff was more than accommodating. They never appeared annoyed with all of my requests, but seemed genuinely happy to help. We never felt a burden to them. The only downside was some issues with the elevator but I know they are working on getting that fixed. The location is also a huge plus - there are dozens of restaurants, bars, and entertainment sites within literally a 5 minute walk.

  • Beth Dodrill

    Beth Dodrill


    The front desk people are the nicest people ever... I called the front desk at midnight (after room service had closed) and the brought me up silverware. One lady took a picture for us. Another gentleman looked up activities in the area for us... The view was beautiful and there was even a telescope in our room. Even the view from the bathroom was amazing!

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