Relax & Wax Authentic Brazilian Wax Sugaring i Dallas

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Forenede StaterRelax & Wax Authentic Brazilian Wax Sugaring



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3317, McKinney Avenue, 75204, Dallas, Dallas County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 214-377-7701
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.8050238, Longitude: -96.7991976

kommentar 5

  • Audra Baker

    Audra Baker


    I love this place. Super professional, super nice Estheticians, high quality wax, they know what they’re doing... and the icing on the cake: all at a price beyond affordable. Thank you!!!

  • en

    Infinitti Kelly


    Today was my first time ever getting a Brazilian wax. Jaemesha was perfect. She was so patient an dedicated to helping me through my first time. I will be her client for the rest of my life now lol seriously. Definitely recommend this place for anyone looking for a calm, clean, professional environment.

  • Sarah Yarletts

    Sarah Yarletts


    I have been going here for over a year. Love all the staff there!

  • en

    Elizabeth Arnold


    I love these ladies! My schedule is always crazy between work and school- and they always accommodate me even if I have to move my appointment time around. I’ve seen three different gals and have been happy with each of their work. The setting is comfortable, always good conversation, and I have no problem paying for good service. As long as I’m in the Dallas area, I’ll be visiting here. Cheers, gals!

  • ashley kinney

    ashley kinney


    The service is great. Staff is wonderful. Taylor is the best. But, any of the girls do a fabulous job. So fast and efficient. No pain.

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