Regina Gordon Law Office w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRegina Gordon Law Office



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435, Neptune Avenue, 11224, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-770-7507
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5812067, Longitude: -73.9696827

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nagendra Nandivada


    I found Regina Gordon on the internet. I contacted her through her website. she called me next day and we had very good conversation. she was upfront with her fee and explained every thing. very cordial and honest person. It was our pleasure to talk with her. I request every one to give her a call and make your own decision rather than depending what people say here. as per our experience with her i recommend her without any hesitation.Please nore Attorney Regina has not paid me to write this. when you contact her you will fell very much at home with her. I wish her all the best

  • en

    Kendra Norman


    Regina got my small business up and running (legally at least!) in less than 48 hours! Great communication, customer service, and ongoing support. Very reasonable fees... Regina saved me a lot of time, money, and headache!

  • en

    Ross Bernstein


    I found Regina Gordon on the internet. I called her and told her that I needed a non-disclosure agreement to protect some products that I developed. I found her advise and work to be very helpful, very competent, and very flexible in modifying the document to fit my requirements. Her fee was fair and reasonable. I highly recommend her.

  • Liisa Leon

    Liisa Leon


    The worse experience that ever had ! Don’t waste your time!

  • en

    Ibrahim Abu Saleh


    I had the pleasure of working with regina on a contract review. My overall experience was great. She was a tremendous help and took the time to explain to me details of the contract as well as listening to my concerns. She can is very professional and quick to reply. I felt incredibly comfortable working with her unlike my previous experiences with other lawyers. Her fees are set upfront and you always proceed knowing exactly what you owe. I highly recommebd her services and would definitely use her help in the future

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