Regency Auto Repair & Body Shop w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneRegency Auto Repair & Body Shop



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6935, Almeda Road, 77021, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-440-9100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.700753, Longitude: -95.385761

komentarze 5

  • en

    Qian Lu


    The owner is amazing. He is knowledgeable, honest, and fast. My car broke down on the road, could not move, was towed, and was brought to his shop in the Morning. Given how bad the problem looked like, I thought it would at least take 2 or 3 days. But I got a phone call the same day in the afternoon, and the owner explain to me what the problem was befor he worked on it. And he fixed the car the same day With reasonable price. I was so happy when I picked up the car. That was a great and stress free experience. He’s also honest. When he found out that I overpaid for the replacement part, he gave me a refund the second day. (Their price was already good and I would have no way to figure out what the real price of a part). I would definitely trust him, recommend this shop, and go back myself.

  • Ronald Payne

    Ronald Payne


    Regency Auto Repair is as good and honest as any repair shop in the area. The staff is very knowledgeable and customer friendly. They are honest and really good at what they do...the owner is very knowledgeable and friendly as well. They treat their customers with respect and appreciate their business. If I ever need my vehicle repaired or worked on it would most definitely bring my vehicle to Regency Auto Repair

  • Morgan Falco Lasker

    Morgan Falco Lasker


    This shop deserves 10 stars! I took my 2012 Nissan Pathfinder to Central Houston Nissan for a broken A/C. They had my car for a WEEK, performed work I didn’t authorize, then tampered with the brakes on my car so I would have to come back (because they let us drive off without mentioning the brakes) and have MORE work done. I have sworn off Nissan Dealerships for good and I was looking for a small, local shop that I could trust to repair the brakes on my car. Regency Automotive allowed me to tow my car there after hours, my car was safe, the repairs were started FIRST thing the next morning and BOTH front and back brakes were done by 1:00pm. He actually SAVED my calipers so I wouldn’t have to replace those now. He is honest, trustworthy and I have NEVER been as happy with automotive repairs as I am with the repairs and service I received from Regency. I can’t thank them enough! EDIT TO ADD: Their prices are also more than reasonable and fair. Thank You, Regency, for rectifying a traumatic experience for us.

  • Sara Thomas

    Sara Thomas


    The few times I have been this shop in the past 6 months or so have been great. Mr. Abdul and his staff are really friendly and provide wonderful and honest service. Not only are the prices reasonable the turnaround time is quick. I highly recommend his shop.

  • Matthew Bourda

    Matthew Bourda


    First off, it's difficult finding a VERY GOOD mechanic that's not going to break the bank while trying to avoid the dealership. I've dealt with that problem for a good while. I finally found that with Mr. Abdul and his staff at Regency Auto Repair. I had work done on two vehicles and his prices were better than two other mechanics we quoted. They're honest, meaning not only do they tell you what you actually need but they tell you what you don't so that you save as much money as you can. Most important is that they're friendly and down to earth and the hours and location are convenient. It's an understatement for me to say that the service here is exceptional. I would highly recommend anyone needing vehicle work--especially body work--to check out Regency. I'd give them 6/5 stars if I could.

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