Regal Cinemas Atlas Park 8 i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRegal Cinemas Atlas Park 8



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80-28, Cooper Avenue, 11385, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 844-462-7342
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.708227, Longitude: -73.868018

kommentar 5

  • Vidal Nikko Luchana

    Vidal Nikko Luchana


    Amazing movie theater! They have their own playbill version but it's called moviebill. That was very clever. I watched infinity war there and it was a great experience. The popcorn and drinks are slightly expensive. Great place to bring your kids but not babies!

  • Jay of 5to9 Living

    Jay of 5to9 Living


    Decent movie theater. I feel it could be cleaner. Also, the food is not good at all. Quality really dips during popular movies.

  • Darani Suarez

    Darani Suarez


    It's our go to theatre. It's clean and spacious. The seats are nice. The restroom are also clean. The staff was friendly and approachable. So far we had great experiences here. Will definitely continue to come back.

  • Deuces Jack

    Deuces Jack


    Worst movie theater in all of NY. Three times this year alone I have been there and they have had technical difficulties. One time they could not show the movie and made everyone get up and go to another theater. Two other times I didn't not get to see the movie at all. Worst staff and managers I have ever dealt with in my life. If I could give them no stars, I would. The concession line is always ridiculously long and there are never, ever, more than 2 registers open. Most of the time you miss all the previews and you are lucky to make it back to your seat for the start of the movie. Horrible theater, with horrible management. Regal corporate needs to step in get this place on track.

  • ru

    Shahruz Narzullaev


    Отличный кинотеатр! Часто ходим сюда.

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