Reflection Pools en Bedford

Estados UnidosReflection Pools


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PO Box 210156, Bedford, TX 76095, США
contactos teléfono: +1 817-572-2272
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.84, Longitude: -97.14

comentarios 5

  • Michael Seeley

    Michael Seeley


    What can i say about this company. Horrible Horrible Horrible. beware. Too bad you have to pick at least one star to post.

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    Adam Vanderveer


    Sebastian and "Reflection Pools" was contracted by my home warranty company, First American Home Warranty for a pool pump leaking water. He didnt repair anything during his first trip to my house. Or his second, or third. And each time, it took a week of him ignoring my calls and never calling me back before First American forced him to call me. The ugly truth is that he knows exactly what he is doing, and cares nothing about customer service, as long as he is being paid by the warranty company. It was clear he never had any intention of repairing my pool pump. Don't let your warranty company hire "Reflection Pools," and use these bad reviews as your reason. Hopefully they ignore the fake reviews praising his timeliness and communication skills, which do not exist.

  • Jason Martinez

    Jason Martinez


    Sebastian came as part of a claim for Home Warranty of America. He stated the work on March 20th and as of May 1st it is still not complete. He claims another piece that needs to be fixed is now part of another ticket. He didn't even test the pump out after replacing the power supply to find out what the issue was. Claim was reopened and now he is asking for another 75.00. He is a very NICE guy buy his response time is VERY VERY poor. BEWARE AND DO NOT USE THIS TECHNICIAN.

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    shawn long


    Sebastian and his crew were courteous and professional. The work was accomplished in a timely manner and correctly done. Sebastian always returned my telephone calls, and did his best to work within my schedule. Explanation of work completed was easily understood. I will continue to use Reflection Pools in the future.

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    Troy Dillman


    Not reliable at all. I constantly have to call/text Sebastian to ask whe he's coming to fix my pool, We're going on 2 months now, and my pool is still not working. I would have never hired this company, I didn't have a choice, home warranty of America sent him. DO NOT HIRE THIS GUY, you'll regret it.

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