Refine Method Upper West Side i New York

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Forenede StaterRefine Method Upper West Side



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117, West 72nd Street, 10023, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 646-820-3463
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7779232, Longitude: -73.9792851

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mandy Mondoro


    Refine Method is the absolute best. I love how it is a total body workout and the exercises are different every class so I never get bored. It is the perfect mixture between cardio, strength training, and stretch. The instructors are so knowledgeable, I know that I that I am not injuring myself or working incorrectly. The class sizes are small, so you receive personal attention--it's like having a personal trainer without the added cost. I am in the best shape of my life, thanks to Refine!

  • Neil Giacobbi

    Neil Giacobbi


    I did high intensity interval training for years privately with a trainer and the classes at Refine are equally as effective and intense. Each station has all the equipment needed for a tough workout, each session is a little different from the last, the studio is clean and modern, and the staff is super professional and friendly. Highly recommended!

  • Erin Eriksson

    Erin Eriksson


    I am a HUGE fan of Refine Method! My best friend has been coming here for years - now I know what I've been missing out on all this time. It's a super-positive, fun environment with a high-energy HIIT workout, great instructors...never the same workout twice. Always feels very empowering! Seriously the best workout class/studio I've been to in NYC.

  • en

    Bani Taunque


    I absolutely love Refine! I've taken classes at the West Village location as well but my favorite is the Upper West Side studio. I've taken a class with Lonnie and it was one of my favorite classes in NYC. I like that the class sizes at Refine are a lot smaller allowing for a lot of attention and hands on adjustments from the instructors. I feel like I always learn a lot about form at Refine along with getting a great workout. If it wasn't so pricey I'd go a lot more often :) Highly Recommend!

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    Ann Robertson


    Love the people at the front desk. And the exercise space is well designed for such a small space. I wish there was a water cooler to refill my water bottle. And I wish the shower space was larger and had more amenities (including hooks) since I find I can’t exercise at Refine on weekday mornings because the shower space does not accommodate my office attire. Love the exercise!

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