Red Robin Gourmet Burgers w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneRed Robin Gourmet Burgers



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14455, West Maple Road, 68116, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-493-6223
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Latitude: 41.29153, Longitude: -96.139847

komentarze 5

  • Robyn Crone

    Robyn Crone


    I'm a royalty card member, so my Prime Chophouse burger was free. I'd never tried it before, and it was delicious. The NachOMG was also yummy, and I loved my peach sweet tea. My family liked their burgers and drinks too. I like the restaurant has some healthier sides choices as well, and I always order a campfire sauce with my burger.

  • en

    randomanonymous smith


    Really tasty. I got some kind of ghost pepper burger. Supposed to be the spiciest thing on the menu... Yet i was disappointed. Even with extra ghost pepper sauce. 😞 the burger tasted really good though. By all means it definetly was delicious. I was just looking for something hotter. Either way though i still give it a 5 star rating.

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    David G


    So far it's been great. The waitress is on top of things. She has been helpful and polite. The fries with campfire sauce is amazing. My cowboy burger is also great! My wife suggested that we come here. Perfect plan. Give this place a try.

  • Rick Riedel

    Rick Riedel


    I don't know how you call burgers gourmet, but they are good. There is a large menu with a great variety of burgers and other sandwiches and food. The fries are good and endless, which is a plus. The staff has always been friendly. A good choice for families.

  • en

    Patty Younger


    Food was good and very ample amount. Service was very good as well. But ,why, when you request a booth, are you lead to a table? There was only one table with customers in that particular large area we were in. Did get a booth after stating again we want a booth. All booths were empty. Toward the end of dinner there was another group that had been seated at another table. But then an adult with 3 small children were put in a booth backed up to our booth when there were a half dozen or more booths unoccupied. I know...easier for the waiter/waitress. The worst thing was the floor...all shoes made sticky noises when walking on the floor...even in the restroom. Don't know what that was all about. Again, food was good, lot and ample.

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