Red Hot & Blue w Flower Mound

Stany ZjednoczoneRed Hot & Blue



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2608, Long Prairie Road, 75022, Flower Mound, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 972-899-7427
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.0203527, Longitude: -97.0700544

komentarze 5

  • en



    Everything was pretty average. It is pretty inexpensive for a barbecue joint, but the best thing we had was my wife's Burger and fries.

  • Rbrt Frbr

    Rbrt Frbr


    This is difficult review because I've had great experiences here over the years. The food in recent times is ok but missing that special touch. The big issue here is the decor hasn't aged well and ownership doesn't seem to be putting money back into it. Flooring looks worn and I noticed multiple walls that could benefit from a new coat of paint.

  • Patricia Holladay

    Patricia Holladay


    Red, Hot and Blue provided catering for our party. It was a smash hit! Their catering service and food is top notch!

  • Beth Patrick

    Beth Patrick


    Food was good. Service was good. We arrived 3 minutes after the end of lunch pricing. I asked our server of We could still have lunch pricing and he said sure. Our bill did not reflect the lower pricing and when I asked him he said he would check with his manager. We could hear her discuss the time on the ticket as well as the charges. She said we had not been charged for one glass of tea. She discounted the meal and charged for the tea. Not what I expected. To top off the visit the manager started an employee meeting in the bar area of the restrauant. It was not a pleasant meeting. We found it very unprofessional and uncomfortable. Extremely poor customer attention.

  • David Bailey

    David Bailey


    I have been to this location more times than I can count. Consistent food quality and service. Their meats are moist and great flavor. I love blues so it's ambiance is fun. Great peach cobbler but they frequently run out. I recommend the pulled chicken platter or the trio platter. They come served with a bit if BBQ sauce on the meat. I'd recommend getting it plain and then add your own selection of BBQ sauces that are available at the table. Family friendly with a good kids menu as well. A separate bar if you want to watch sports while you eat.

najbliższy Bar

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