Real Smile Dental Cliffside Park i Cliffside Park

Forenede StaterReal Smile Dental Cliffside Park



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543, Gorge Road, 07010, Cliffside Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-941-8877
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8220508, Longitude: -73.9881468

kommentar 5

  • en

    Boris Boroda


    Very friendly (always smiling ) and knowledgeable, conveniently located. Highly recommend!

  • Jen Rufo

    Jen Rufo


    The headphones and iPad with music during the procedure really helped, it was quick and painless and over before i knew it! I got my teeth bleached and got impressions done for a night guard. By far the best dental experience I’ve ever had! Highly recommend

  • en

    Zaid Bettis


    Real Smile Dental is the best of best. They've been my only dental professionals for over 15 years and going strong. The best of the best.

  • en

    Graziano Rotellini


    Dr. Rubinov and his team are amazing. Cutting edge procedures combined with the best patient care. Couldn’t ask for a better orthodontist.

  • Oleg Appassov

    Oleg Appassov


    Very professional and thorough. Alex was very professional and diligent to ensure I was comfortable. Played music and asked me what music I'd like to listen to, never had that experience before. The office is clean and professional as well.

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