Real De Minas Mexican Grill w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneReal De Minas Mexican Grill



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12444, East 44th Avenue, 80239, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-374-3055
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.7761657, Longitude: -104.8453027

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tera Hodson


    This is one of my favorite Mexican restaurants in Denver. There are several locations, and the food does vary a bit per location, but it's always delicious and pretty fast. The menu is extensive with everything from hamburgers to truly authentic Mexican food that isn't always easy to find elsewhere. They almost always give you an extra dip along with your chips and salsa (there's a black bean dip on some days, and a ceviche type of dip on others) which is a nice extra. Some of the locations even have Mariachi bands on the weekends that add to the ambience and fun factor!

  • Samantha Potts

    Samantha Potts


    That was the absolute worst service I have ever had. All of our food came out wrong. Ordered chicken got beef. Ordered cheese dip as an appetizer and it came out after our meals and it wasn't even melted all the way. Our server never asked how the food was. And when she came by she didn't even acknowledge us. Had to grab my own silverwear because when I asked for some, she never came back. I am a server and extremely understanding of situations, but it was not busy.

  • en

    Liz Garcia


    Used to be my favorite place to eat but the service is horrible. I've returned many times nothing changes.And to be charged $8 for a michilada that is simple and nothing fancy about it, is a bit much. Will not eat here anymore.

  • Lori Jacobson

    Lori Jacobson


    We usually like this place but the waiter's social life with her friends at the bar trumped our experience. It was Wed 3/14 at 4PM and the special was Tacos. She didn't get the order correct and didn't deliver our entire meal to the table and the taco meat was mushy and terrible don't ever order it! Waiter was so busy laughing and carrying on with her friends that I had to approach the bar to get a drink refill, which was then delivered by one of her friends that was a bar customer. No class! Most likely need to find a Mexican food restaurant that likes their customers better.

  • en

    J S Bailey


    We were staying at a hotel in the area and the front desk clerk suggested it. When we arrived there were a lot of people outside. When walked in it was very noisy and it sounded like they were having one heck of a party in the bar. We were seated in the dining area (thank goodness). They had taken a couple ahead of us towards the bar. We were greeted by waitress and she spoke very little english. My wife ordered a Margarita and I asked for a root beer. It took about 10 minutes and they brought the Margarita and a Blue Moon beer. I tried to explain I wanted a root beer (soft drink). She never did get it. We ordered our dinner and surprisingly, we received our food quickly. My wife said that her fajitas had very little seasoning and flavor. My nachos were saggy and bland. If this was authentic mexican food, we will stick with our Tex-Mex (being from Dallas). Sorry we were not impressed in the service, food and safety of the whole place. All the people hanging around outside turned out to be part of the party in the bar. Too many intoxicated parties for us.

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