Re Salon and Med Spa i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRe Salon and Med Spa



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1212, South Boulevard, 28203, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-334-8087
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2169229, Longitude: -80.8517873

kommentar 5

  • en

    Derrick Wayne


    Morgan did a great job! Very nice spot.

  • Berfin Uludogan

    Berfin Uludogan


    I love everything about this Salon! I always saw Dash and she is incredible. Since moving away from Charlotte, I've been searching of a stylists who knows hair the way Dash does to no avail. Sometimes I consider flying down there to see her again even though thats crazy. I would definitely recommend you try Re.

  • en

    Justin Stroupe


    Worst salon I have ever been to! Very overpriced and messed up my hair, offered to redo it but wanted to charge me full price again. Why would I pay for a mistake they made? Are you serious? Their customer service is pathetic and they are very unprofessional with their clients, do not waste your time here! They do not genuinely care for their customers.

  • en

    Sarah Sadek


    Got a smoothing treatment and it was ineffective after a couple weeks even though I was told it would only "grow out" not fade away. When I told my stylist it didn't work she told me to contact Lindsey the owner. I was under the impression I would get either a full refund for the treatment or get it redone. However when I drove FOUR hours to the salon I was told that I'd be charged full price for it and my hair was fine. She did not even wash my hair (it was blow dryed) to see the condition it was in before telling me I didn't need another one. Now I'm stuck with frizzy hair and without $350. The owner was extremely unprofessional and did not care about my satisfaction although she made it clear she wanted my business. The stylists had poor lack of communication, they all told me different things. Supposed to be a high quality salon, but delivers low quality service. Just want your money and for you to leave! What a waste of time and money!!!!

  • en

    Ivy Wesson


    Love love this place. I go here often for waxing and hair. Both autumn and Arthur are amazing at what they do! I would highly recommend this place!

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