RE 360 w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneRE 360



🕗 godziny otwarcia

829, Industry Street, 15210, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-390-0360
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4209294, Longitude: -79.9925429

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ric Mo


    Worst place to rent from. Super unprofessional and dishonest. Properties are high priced for bad neighborhoods with high crime rates! A good friend of mine also rented a place on the south side slopes and their place was vandalized. They had to get the news station involved before the company decided to do something about it! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Beware, they only want your money once you’re moved in they will not care about you as a tenant

  • en

    Keith Zimmerman


    Best real estate broker in the area. If your looking to buy, sell or rent RE360 has you covered. Insanely nice staff, innovative and community conscience company.

  • Hannah Clark

    Hannah Clark


    My boyfriend and I are making the move all the way from Texas to Pittsburgh. We had just started to inquire about a few places, when Michael from RE 360 gave us a call and helped us find a place that fit our needs! They many options that are catered to each type of individual or family, and are extremely accommodating. Michael has answered every question with great detail, with a quick turn around, and we couldn't be more excited to start renting. They have made the transition from Texas to PA, quick and easy. RE 360 go above and beyond to help, and we couldn't be more pleased! Wish I could give them an extra star.

  • en

    Chris Artz


    Alex is the man!! I tried to use my washing machine earlier this morning and couldn’t due to one of the pipes freezing in my apartment. Within 30 minutes two maintenance workers were at my apartment. After a few hours of troubleshooting they called in Foreman - Alex. Alex showed up, took one look at the exterior wall and determined where the problem was. There were a few areas along the brick side of the house that weren’t insulated very well. Alex quickly filled in the spots with insulation, we waited about 30 minutes then just like that the water was back on. Serious props to Alex for fixing the problem and know EXACTLY what to do! Greatly Appreciated!

  • en



    When I first moved in there were giant black and brown roaches. I put in a maintenance request and called and nothing was done. I’ve had rodents and all had to cover my place with traps and poison and spray raid all through out the kitchen. Before signing I was promised window units for the summer. Once moved in i called and they denied that. By my second month another resident and i have had our tires slashed. Though they have signs on the property that it’s under surveillance they stated there are no cameras and that they have nothing to do with anything. They didn’t even say “I’m sorry that that happened to you” no empathy whatsoever anytime i call. My birthday cards were opened in my mail box . Mail boxes are tiny as hell no locks on them or anything and most of the numbers are gone on them so wrong mail is often in my box. My tub looks as if it was painted with regular household paint. While cleaning the pain started to chip revealing a very yellow dirty tub underneath. Called and they acted clueless and once again a tone of annoyance and not caring. As another review stated they only care about the money. Our “parking lot” is rubbish. Full of trash rocks and mud. No parking space lines. The entrance point is a rugged curb very hard on the tires. Don’t really feel as though they care about the tenant just the money. Still have 9 months to go. Not looking forward to it

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