Raymour & Flanigan Furniture and Mattress Store w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRaymour & Flanigan Furniture and Mattress Store



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2544, Flatbush Avenue, 11234, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-513-2002
strona internetowej: www.raymourflanigan.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.608219, Longitude: -73.921271

komentarze 5

  • en

    yao he


    Big furniture store, pricey but gotta wait until special sale

  • Yusuf Almakhlief

    Yusuf Almakhlief


    The worst company at all never go to them because they are liars and cheat you and have to be careful when you sign any contract with them . They charge %900 interest for one thousand . Be careful from those liars

  • Sassy Browne

    Sassy Browne


    Great location. Staff was very helpful and accommodating as well. Very professional and will work with you to get what you need. Best to buy when there's sale.

  • Tameca Miller

    Tameca Miller


    I would have to say their selections of items for needed pieces are great. However I ordered a corner courier. Delivery was set to be Wednesday they provided me my 3 hour window and they were late. When the item was delivered they were missing the glass shelves and the item was damaged. It appeared to have been banged against something. I requested it to be resent with all the needed items for assembly. The showed up again on Staturday, once agian after the 3 hour time frame, with the same damaged courier. When I called the store they tried to say it may be the appearance of the wood. I am very disappointed with the store and there treatment of customers. I spent my entire morning home waiting to receive the same item I clearly stated I didn't want due to it being damaged. I wish I could rate negative stars.

  • en

    Kimone Goodison


    Great customer service in a warm & friendly Environment. They make furniture prices affordable for everyone. They ave great lay away deals you find nowhere else. I cant stop shopping there ,feel comfortable spending my money with them ,furniture is Worth every penny.

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