Raymour & Flanigan Furniture and Mattress Store w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneRaymour & Flanigan Furniture and Mattress Store



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10, Green Acres Road West, 11581, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-394-9640
strona internetowej: www.raymourflanigan.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6635121, Longitude: -73.7239372

komentarze 5

  • en

    Micah Hunter


    The staff Marsha was great,once you get a hold of them, but it was Memorial day so understand the delay. However with the sales advertised you are not getting much of a discount. Also wish they advertise that the sale goes on 2 weeks before the holiday often and that it can take up to 14 weeks to get a color change for furniture if not in stock. Overall would like to see better lighting in Raymour store but better than Flatbush store location layout.

  • Pat Dial

    Pat Dial


    Mr. Narine was welcoming and attentive the moment I walked in. He was very patient while I looked through beautiful displayed stock. He made sure I got all that I described and wanted. Great customer service.

  • en

    Simone Singh-Smith


    Excellent customer service given by Marsha, coupled with quality, stylish pieces made for quite a satisfactory shopping experience. This experience was further complemented by the friendly, efficient delivery team. Much appreciated!!!

  • en

    William Helicher


    i reached out to the Valley Stream Location over the phone because i dealt with an online representative about a couple items that I wished to have delivered, and decided that I rather give my business to a local store rather then an online interaction. Upon calling the store, I spoke with Erick in sales. He did everything in his power to help me as best as he could and took an order over the phone for a couple pieces of bedroom furniture to be delivered 4 days later. The screw ball I threw at him was I wanted to pick out a mattress and the only time I could make it into the store was the day before the scheduled delivery of the rest of the furniture. This day also happened to be Erick's day off. Erick told me it was no problem, and met me late in the afternoon on his day off to make sure I picked out the right mattress and was satisfied. Erick displayed extreme professionalism over the phone as well as in person, and also gave me great prices on all the pieces I decided to purchase. He was conscientious of my budget and led me to the best bang for my buck. If you're planning on shopping in this location, I would walk in and immediately ask for Erick, you wont be dissapointed.

  • cocot1919



    The shopping experience was educational and highly informative. Our Associate was knowledgeable and kind - no pressure, which was especially helpful since I was purchasing a mattress. He asked me a few questions then showed me the perfect choice. I had already selected the bed I wanted. He addressed my concerns about delivery of the items and gave me a good deal too. I will definitely go back to this store when in the market for new furniture. It was a highly enjoyable experience, thanks to Victor.

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