Raudel Flores - State Farm Insurance Agent w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneRaudel Flores - State Farm Insurance Agent



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4200, South Freeway, 76115, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-926-9537
strona internetowej: www.raudelflores.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6849927, Longitude: -97.3220637

komentarze 5

  • en

    Noralhuda Krblaae


    Excellent office

  • Hayder Krblaae

    Hayder Krblaae


    Great office and team

  • en

    Andrew Marlin


    Absolutely the WORST experience I have EVER had with an insurance company. Their customer service is pathetic! Anytime I call I'm immediately put on hold for at least 15 minutes if they even answer at all. Raudel is NEVER available, always busy or not in the office. I can't get any information about my own insurance policy because they tell me he is the only one I can talk to about it....I can't even get a break down of MY OWN BILL. My bill has been different ever single month I've been with them, now it jumped $70 and they say it's because I got in a wreck in a car I've had for 2 months! Pretty sure if I had been in a wreck I'd be the first to know about it. SO SICK AND TIRED OF THIS. STATE FARM GET YOUR EMPLOYEES IN LINE THIS IS PATHETIC. I will NEVER have State Farm again and I'll make d*amn sure everyone knows about experience! I mean, they guy hasn't posted to his company facebook page in over a YEAR! Shows you how "dedicated" he is to his job....

  • en

    Heather M


    THEY ARE THE WORST INSURANCE COMPANY I'VE DEALT WITH AND THEY HAVE THE ABSOLUTE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE. I have never had the same payment since being here. Every month my bill is something different, it always seems to go up so I try calling to fix the issues and I never get through to anyone and when I do I get put on hold for ever, hang up and try calling again and its the same thing over and over again. They never return calls or voicemail's so don't bother leaving one. When you ask to speak to Mr. Flores he is always busy. I've called several times and left several VM and I NEVER get a call back, when I call another location they always tell me to call them they are in the office because he has to be the one to handle my policy. I went with State Farm because they gave me the best deal but honestly paying a few more dollars a month is worth it so I don't have to deal with all of the crap I've had to with this location. Because of this experience I will probably NEVER use State Farm again.

  • en

    valyna ulrich


    I have been a state farm customer for 5 yrs,all over the united states. I have never had so many problems until i got to this branch. I have never had the same payment since being here like you normally do with state farm. Every month there is something new or that i didnt pay....even though my bill from state farm doesnt reflect what they are saying. They never return calls,they will put you on an hr hold. When you ask to speak to the agent himself supposedly he's always busy and will never call you,so you will continuously be forever frustrated with their staff ,who have no clue and will just repeat the same thing over and over.ive had to report this branch to their corporate twice for misconduct with my policy. Youll pay your premium as exactly what it says on your bill,but then next month theyll.tell you,you didnt pay anything. YOUR POLICY WILL.NEVER BE RIGHT OR CURRENT SO GET USED TO OVER PAYING FOR NOTHING!!!! come here for complete incompetency,over paying,frustration,and a real pathetic try to customer service. Worst state farm experience out of the 4 ive had,which were all positive and great until i got here

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