Rani Spas en Mineola

Estados UnidosRani Spas



🕗 horarios

529, Jericho Turnpike, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-833-6460
sitio web: ranispa.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7437937, Longitude: -73.6563542

comentarios 5

  • Janese Chetuck

    Janese Chetuck


    went there yesterday for the first time to get my eyebrows threaded. she was very nice and actually listened to how i said i wanted them. not to mention my eyebrows looks amazing.

  • Nirmala Bhattacharya

    Nirmala Bhattacharya


    Dr. Rani would not honor a gift certificate, surprisingly had come with an expiration date, not mentioned at the time of purchase. Very disappointed. She then reissued another certificate so that I will go back and spend more money. Doubt I will ever go back there.

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    Kate Price


    One of the best places, I have experienced locally. I have seen many of their spas locations but this was near to my house. Dr Rani I have never met, never seen her there yet, but the staff is nice.

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    Richard Ayana


    Amazing location, looks grand and the service is quiet amazing.

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    Nicole Casey


    Terrible! I had a really nice shape to my brows, just needed to clean up a bit. This animal really screwed them up, they are now thin and uneven. I think she needed to pay more attention to what she was doing instead of trying to sell me a frequent club card. She let me know that they were uneven after seeing my face when I looked in the mirror.... I know idiot but they weren't when I came in! Never ever go here.

Salón de belleza más cercano

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