Ramsey Mazda en Ramsey

Estados UnidosRamsey Mazda



🕗 horarios

436, New Jersey 17, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-825-4444
sitio web: www.ramseymazda.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0543578, Longitude: -74.1191056

comentarios 5

  • en

    Steven Pan


    Ended up purchasing my 2018 mazda6 from this location after visiting multiple locations around NJ and I could not be happier with the service and price! The entire team was fantastic to deal with. Ask for Willy in sales to discuss your needs and negotiate a good price. Wiles the manager was also great to deal with and made the process quick and easy. Ron in finance was helpful in finishing up the process. I needed to get a new car after my accident fairly quickly and not only got a great deal, but also was out on the road after two weeks. I visited a ton of locations in NJ and definitely recommend this place to close if you want the best price and customer service.

  • Oleg Svintsitski

    Oleg Svintsitski


    Came in late evening to look at a car (which was picked from online inventory) and negotiate the lease. Were able to do everything quickly and efficiently. The financial office has a great hi-tech set up for electronic signing of paperwork - way to go.

  • en

    Marcella Abramovich


    I had a fantastic experience!!! Quick and Easy!! Efficient and no tricks! Thank you to Willy!! And to Donovan in finance. You both were just amazing to work with. I will definitely be coming back! Loved this dealership more than any I have ever been too. Go here!!!

  • Daniel Prusak

    Daniel Prusak


    Awesome experience. "Rocky" Dunn is your guy to go to. Friendly and professional. Everything went smooth with him. We decided for Ramsey simply because reviews they got on Google, we went there and understood right away why their ratings are so good :) We'll be back for sure. Highly recommended.

  • Tom B

    Tom B


    Joe Guadalupe is outstanding. He's attentive to solving the customers' needs and goes above and beyond in making the car buying process as LOW stress as it could possibly be. He's well-versed in all aspects of the different Mazda models and will take his time going through everything thoroughly. Joe is genuinely a great guy and I strongly recommend buying a car from Ramsey Mazda. If you work with Joe, you won't be disappointed.

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