Ramada Limited Bakersfield North i Bakersfield

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRamada Limited Bakersfield North



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828, Real Road, 93309, Bakersfield, Kern County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 661-322-9988
internet side: www.wyndhamhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.366688, Longitude: -119.042142

kommentar 5

  • Julie Moyer

    Julie Moyer


    Great staff, we left jacket behind, they called and held on to it until we went back through town. Personal customer service is great!

  • en

    Teri Clinton


    Overall very good room. The breakfast was good. The room and bathroom clean. One suggestion would be to make sure there is 1 or 2 rolls off toilet paper as back up in the bathroom. Our roll was already half used with no back up. We needed to ask for more. It could have been very awkward.

  • yazmin flores

    yazmin flores


    I enjoy staying here, there is enough restaurants to choose from, the hotel has welcoming customer service and it’s clean. Leave your “not disturb sign” on the door, I forgot to put mine out and in the morning room service knock twice.

  • en

    Charles Reiring


    I stay here alot. And it's always great. Until this time.... I was out late and when I got in and pulled the covers back, there was blood on the sheets. This tells me that they don't always change the sheets, and that's disgusting. I will be making a formal complaint.

  • Lynn Moore

    Lynn Moore


    the hotel lived up to its average status. Our beds were fine to sleep. The bathroom floor was not clean enough. The breakfast was basic and could fill up a hungry traveler but was not exceptional or delicious. I would stay again for the low price.

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