Ralph Austin Jewelers w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneRalph Austin Jewelers



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1905, Skillman Street, 75206, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-827-3371
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8129198, Longitude: -96.7621974

komentarze 5

  • Zachary Freeland

    Zachary Freeland


    I've been to Ralph Austin Jewelers four times in the past few years. The first and second times were to have my then-fiancée's engagement and wedding rings resized. The work was flawless and the prices were fair. The third time was to have the wedding ring engraved. The guy examined the ring and told me that it was too small to be engraved with a machine and recommended someone with either laser or hand-engraving capabilities. I took the ring to another jeweler downtown who was more than happy to stick it in his engraving machine, and the result was less than desirable (moral of the story: the folks at RAJ know their stuff and I should have listened to their advice). The fourth time was to have a quartz watch battery replaced. The work was done in less than 5 minutes while I waited, the time and date were set for me, and I was charged $8. I've never had a watch battery changed that fast, and I've been charged 3 times that amount by other jewelers in the area. Service is always prompt, and they have a nice selection of jewelry watches to browse while waiting. I can't see myself ever using another jeweler in Dallas.

  • en

    Reginald Griffin


    Very good quality of work they perform high-end jewelry and watches available and clocks and they work on anything from corks to manual 1800s to 2018 they can handle it

  • en

    Justin Foster


    This store and it's employees are the best! After visiting other jewelry stores with subpar work and a lack of help, Ralph Austin Jewelers helped us by listening to our needs and by walking us through the repair process. Extremely affordable and so knowledgeable. Wish I could give more stars! I cannot recommend them enough.

  • Kim Bergman

    Kim Bergman


    It's so nice to have a family owned, customer centered jewelry repair shop. They're always willing to go above and beyond, every time. Great selection of fine watches and jewelry as well as great repair service. Highly recommend Ralph Austin Jewelers.

  • en

    Sterling Hill


    Best jeweler I have been to in Dallas! The most friendly and least pushy staff. Place to go for watches, rings, and or other needs. Support this great local business! Tanner, the owner, is kind and personable. I went in to have my wife's wedding ring fixed and cleaned and service was prompt, and they tightened and cleaned the ring for free.

najbliższy Jubiler

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