Racines w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneRacines



🕗 godziny otwarcia

650, Sherman Street, 80203, Denver, Denver County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 303-595-0418
strona internetowej: www.racinesrestaurant.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.726571, Longitude: -104.9845

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sandra Martinez


    Racines is a good bet for dining. Good food and reasonable prices. If you're so inclined, Racines serves Turkey Dinner year round. We visited the day before Thanksgiving. They are closed Thanksgiving day.

  • Josh Scott

    Josh Scott


    Had lunch here today with a couple friends. Probably the worst meal/service I’ve had since I moved here. My Reuben was prepared upside down, so it was soggy and soaked in grease. I didn’t finish it, and was nauseous for hours afterwards. Our server disappeared for over 20 minutes at a time, during a time when we were one of the only tables in his section. He was obviously unprepared for his shift, and couldn’t even tell us about daily specials without asking the hostess? I’ve heard great things about this place, but I spent about 20$ on a sandwich, fries, and water after tip. I know I’ll never return and the friends I had lunch with expressed the same.

  • Tiffany Rapplean

    Tiffany Rapplean


    This has been my favorite restaurant in the entire Denver Metro area for years now. It's perfect for so many occasions, and the menu has something for everyone. True story: I had a friend who did not like this place, an opinion that revealed so much more about her. I ditched the friend and continue to enjoy Racine's. :)

  • en

    Noel Prince


    Delicious place to grab a bite to eat just outside of downtown denver. Spacious interior with lots of seating and an extremely friendly wait-staff. You can bring your dog here and sit outside on the patio! The food was delicious. Ordered the French toast and have absolutely no complaints. Highly recommend, especially for your furry friend.

  • Emilio R. Roser

    Emilio R. Roser


    Muy buen lugar para comer. Mi preferido el sándwich de Rosbeef, Deep French

najbliższy Bar

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