Rachel's Salon & Day Spa w Memphis

Stany ZjednoczoneRachel's Salon & Day Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, North Main Street, 38103, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 901-527-7511
strona internetowej: www.memphissalonspa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.14558, Longitude: -90.052446

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tyna Papillon


    Wish I could get this kind of service at home! Best pedicure I've ever had. Very kind staff.

  • Julia Warren

    Julia Warren


    Rachel's Salon & Day Spa is the best! Shelby Muir is phenomenal. It's been many years since I've been able to just sit down in a salon chair and say "make me beautiful." Shelby knows my personality well enough to find a hairstyle that suits me every time! When I'm ready for a change, I say the word and she comes up with something for me. Every one else who works there is always friendly and seems genuinely happy to greet each client. Overall, my time spent at Rachel's is always enjoyable and I walk out with a big confidence boost!

  • en

    Judy B


    While staying in Memphis for a few days I wanted to get a little "poof" to my short hair for a special event Saturday night. When I "googled" salons close to my hotel, Rachel's was at the top of the list. Before leaving home I was able to go on line and make a reservation. When I arrived at Rachel's, everyone was very pleasant, the shop had a comfortable atmosphere. Jackie talked to me about what I was looking for, then started my scalp massage! Wow, how relaxing!! I got a nice soft style that looked great Saturday night. Thanks Jackie!

  • en

    Molly Okeon


    Nobody does it better than Rachel's Salon & Day Spa! Mallory Reynolds is the first consistent hair stylist I've had in my entire life, and she is absolutely fabulous. She goes out of her way to make me feel comfortable - buying me my favorite trashy gossip magazines that I'm only allowed to read during haircuts and airplane rides! - and she talks just the right amount (not too much, just enough!). She is amazing at her job, making my curls stand out and frame my face perfectly! Also, salon owner/operator Paige Garland is the bomb! She makes the salon an incredibly comfortable, dynamic atmosphere and always strives for the best possible experience for each customer. I can't say enough good things about my girls at Rachel's! They are amazing.

  • Katie Gore

    Katie Gore


    This salon is absolutely fantastic. In a bit of a crisis, the owner went out of her way to make arrangements to help solve the problem by setting up an appointment that week. I went in, Jacqueline was my hair stylist, and it was possibly one of the most educational and professional experiences I have had. No comparison to other upscale salons in the area. Friendly, knowledgeable, with a genuine willingness to go the extra mile for the customer, this salon restored my faith in customer service. Jacqueline is a joy to be around but also delivers results and is dedicated to continuing her education and growing as a stylist, which I really respect. Highly recommended, will be a customer as long as I am in Memphis.

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