Quickmart i Arlington

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5704, Southwest Green Oaks Boulevard, 76017, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-483-7808
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.6733636, Longitude: -97.1937869

kommentar 5

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    Nicole Knisley


    Always good customer service!

  • Austin Thomas

    Austin Thomas


    Been here before, usually great, but went just the other day and grabbed a bottle of water and was looking at some candy and the worker started staring me down as he followed me, I wasn't doing anything wrong, I took about 3 minutes before he did that, then about 4-5 minutes later I ended up leaving with just a water bottle, not happy with this employee!!

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    Teeg M


    Amazing, fresh, inexpensive Pakistani/Indian favorites and American fallbacks. They take our older and cook it up fresh. My husband and I've been here to pick up takeout twice in three days!

  • Nate Tjaden

    Nate Tjaden


    I like this place. Owner is always feiendly, they just put in a new cafe, and I don't know about the other cat - but I get my headphones from amazon... or Frye's.

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    I purchased the bluetooth headphones HBS 800 for 23.75 including tax on Monday 05-02-16 @ 6:55pm... they are literally the worst headset I have dealt with and do not work properly( I have had this kind before). .. I went in Wednesday to make a purchase and told them they are horrible as I am a regular customer there... attendant states that Manger / owner is only there from 6am to 2pm... I work 6am to 6pm Monday through Thursday. .. I take them back on Friday and wait for him to show up for 15 minutes because he left early but was coming back... he tells mee i can buy the more expensive pair without tax they are 34.99 and he will give me 11.00 off... which means I'm paying 50.00 for the same headset he is selling for 34.99 in the long run... I will no longer go to this store for any purchase... I will take my business some where else that honors the customer when they sell crap merchandise... If I could give them no stars I would!!!

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