Quest Diagnostics Azle PSC w Azle

Stany ZjednoczoneQuest Diagnostics Azle PSC



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124, Industrial Avenue, 76020, Azle, Parker County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-444-5001
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8975952, Longitude: -97.5466104

komentarze 5

  • Claire Lane

    Claire Lane


    No smile Cold young woman barking orders Was afraid shed stick me w something other than a neddle!

  • Ryan Anderson

    Ryan Anderson


    They treated my wife with complete disrespect. They literally had her in tears because they refused to fully understand our insurance situation. After two trips and a phone call to my wife’s doctor they finally were on the same page but, the damage was done.

  • en

    Brian Boyle


    Good place . gave blood for a test, no pain

  • thoughtsfortina



    If you have to take children with you, don't choose this location. I had to have bloodwork done recently and chose this location because they were nearby and had convenient appointment times. I arrived and I was taken back quickly. I had my 4 year old with me and while I sat down in the chair he attempted to squeeze himself behind the chair. There was absolutely nothing between the chair and the wall. No cords, no tools of the trade. NOTHING. Had the woman taking my blood asked me the required questions and done the blood work I'm fairly certain he would never have moved from his little corner behind the chair. But instead she stopped what she was doing and demanded that he come out from behind the chair. He obeyed immediately and got his foot caught in the cord of her heater that was in front of the chair. She continued to freak out and demand to him that he sit in the chair with me. He sort of froze and didn't obey then until I called him over. I pulled him up into the chair, but he sort of ended up on the end of the chair where he immediately slipped off again. Honestly because he's 4 he found this amusing and climbed up to sit on the edge where he fell again. The woman very rudely exclaimed that he needed to sit still and stop running around. The woman on the other side of the wall hearing this also began berating us on "policy" because it's a dangerous place where kids cannot run around. Now my son was never out of my reach. He was not loud. At no point did he run around. At no point did he touch anything at all. All he did was try to hide behind a chair and slide out of the high offthe ground chair twice. I've had blood work done in many locations usually toting a child along and never have we been scolded for the wiggles of a 4 year old. It was uncomfortable and a complete over reaction to his behavior. I have a fear of needles and so it's a rough visit for me to make without having to worry about putting a choke hold on my child in case, God forbid, he moves a little. The wait was excellent. The woman taking my blood was quick and didn't hurt me. But I wouldn't go to this location again. I recommend that if you happen to have a wiggly toddler/preschooler or worse yet a child having to have bloodwork themselves find a more kid tolerant location.

  • Eli Lewis

    Eli Lewis


    First class service. Kind, efficient and caring.

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