Queens Pizzeria w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneQueens Pizzeria



🕗 godziny otwarcia

127, West Main Street, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-964-1609
strona internetowej: www.queenspizzeriamenu.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4147109, Longitude: -111.8351552

komentarze 5

  • Jenee Zapatka

    Jenee Zapatka


    Such a cute place and so much fun to go for happy hour and great food! The service is super friendly and the food is good! There are so many options that are accommodating to all different taste! I had a custom calzone and had plenty for lunch the next day!

  • en

    Errol james


    Pizza was very good. You can taste the fresh ingredients. We had a pizza with half mozzarella and half vegan cheese which was a big plus for our vegetarian guests. The only reason it did not get 5 stars was that it was a bit pricey. 1 small pizza with topping with sodas was 30 dollars. Service was good but slow. Their late night (till midnight on weekends) hours is a big plus as it is one of a few eats in the area that open past 10.

  • Blue Brazelton

    Blue Brazelton


    I loved the food, enjoyed the happy hour specials, and feel that the location has a great vibe for a local pizzeria. what was lacking was service. we saw several people, even spoke to someone, but all the staff seemed more concerned about something in the back than front of the house. I'll give them another shot, and I really hope for better service.

  • Benjamin Nash

    Benjamin Nash


    Good pizza. They were helpful with the vegan options. I ended up with basically a vegan margherita pizza. They had some good local beers on tap, too. The space was pretty noisy. The music level would've been fine if the sound didn't bounce around so much. Also, half an hour in, one of our group went to the bathroom and heard our server asking the kitchen where our pizzas were. It was another fifteen minutes later that we got our pizzas. When we asked about the wait time while paying, they said it was normal.

  • Michael Schaaf

    Michael Schaaf


    Crazy cool place, over 40 go before 9, then it gets a bit way hip. Great food, I had great service, MOST IMPORTANTLY I had great beers! They have a good selection to get whet ever type you like. May not be the largest selection of each style, but at least they 1 or 2 to select from you style of choice.

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