Quality Service Center i Montgomery

Forenede StaterQuality Service Center



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2040, New York 208, 12549, Montgomery, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-457-5520
internet side: qualityservicecenterny.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.507109, Longitude: -74.2054997

kommentar 5

  • en



    New to area and needed a local mechanic for my automotive needs. Found QUALITY Service Center, in Maybrook, New York. BOB and his Dedicated staff and mechanics go way beyond any other service facility. They set the standard of what quality really is. They treated me like family and my vehicle as if it was their own. If you need a HONEST, FAIR priced service GO TO QUALITY SERVICE CENTER a 10 STAR EXPERIENCE.

  • en

    Kyra Pelz-Walsh


    We began a road trip across the country around 130 pm today. At 430 pm, we broke down on the side of 84. Bobby came to our rescue, towing not only our ford ranger but also the vintage trailer we were pulling off the highway and to Quality Service Center. He was so beyond helpful and nice, and was actually able to fix the problem and send us on our way within an hour. We met the manager Bob, and the receptionist, and I cannot offer enough praise. They so clearly care about their customers and providing good, quality service. Thank you so much guys!

  • Yvonne W.

    Yvonne W.


    Whatever's ailing your car, they can fix it. Look for Brad, Kenny or any of the others. All good.

  • Kenza Zelber

    Kenza Zelber


    I was in a pickle and I had to have my car towed.. I was so frustrated but the manager Bob Reynolds and his staff took such good care of me! They went over and beyond, making sure I understood everything that was going on. They are fair priced, honest and their service is of great quality.. no pun intended. Will definitely be going back!

  • Faith Horton

    Faith Horton


    On a long road trip, we broke down on 87 and Quailty Auto was there to save us. After a quick tow, we meet the knowledge and helpful technitions and office staff. Not only were they welcoming to our entire family for hours in the plush waiting room But they hustled to get our car fixed THAT day! They even called the next day to see if we made it home to Vermont. We have never had service like this!

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