Quality Home Care w Leonia

Stany ZjednoczoneQuality Home Care


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

345, Grand Avenue, 07605, Leonia, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-585-9234
strona internetowej: www.qhcpinc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8642753, Longitude: -73.99179

komentarze 5

  • Shalaia Craddock

    Shalaia Craddock


    Horrible... The staff is friendly but sadly they are not good at what they do. Confused confused confused. I wish there was a way to order it online. Frustrating to have to keep calling all the time. I would love to find another company to get my supplies from. Updated 6/2/18 They've gotten a lot better. Now they are making sure my equipment actually makes it to me and it gets to the right Address. Thank you!

  • en

    Hongyi Sun


    That was a really good experience with Quality Home Care, and that was a really good explanation about infection control and safety issues about CPAP and about my benefits. And it is good customer services.

  • en

    nancy valentin


    I had a great experience with this company, I was having a really hard time getting accustomed to the cpap machine and mask, I tried everything , and was getting ready to give up, and because of Kosar Kazmi, He was so helpful, he was nice enough to take time , and see me on a Sunday , so he could counsel me about the machine use and the issues I was having with the mask, He was a very nice and compassionate person. Because of him I know have been using the CPAP machine with no issues and are at 97% usage per night this is a very good company and I will definetly recommend it to any one.

  • en

    Mike Kim


    Terrible - Had to change my accessories provider because they were so awful. Sent wrong parts twice and every single person you speak to is useless and confused.

  • en

    Maurice Scorpo


    the biggest crooks in the state. I got rip off by these scam artist. they where scamming me and my insurance company. stay away from these crooks. cheap products. at a very high cost to you. don't get nothing from these people.

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