Quality Auto Body i Amityville

Forenede StaterQuality Auto Body



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611, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-464-4640
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Latitude: 40.695077, Longitude: -73.42332

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chaplain AE


    Excellent service easy rental pick and drop off and great Body work A+ keep it up guy's

  • Joanne Cuomo

    Joanne Cuomo


    Professional, courteous and thorough. AND they guarantee quality and perfection. I am very happy with the results.

  • en

    Joe Cancellieri


  • motigever



    Very honest and reliable. I found them by chance and was VERY satisfied. Both Doug and John are true professionals. I definitely recommend.

  • en

    John Schlaeger


    My name is John and I am the owner of JS Limousines Inc. and just wanted to thank Doug and his crew for taking great care of me. One of my stretch limousines got hit while parked and knowing that everyday a vehicle is not on the road means losing money for me he expedited the job and repaired it perfectly and got it back on the road quickly. And the price didn't hurt my checkbook. From this moment on I will be using Doug and Quality Auto Body in Amityville, NY for any and all of my bodywork needs. I'm just hoping I won't be using them too much...... Thanks Doug.

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