Putnam Bright Smile w Brewster

Stany ZjednoczonePutnam Bright Smile



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2410, U.S. 6, 10509, Brewster, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-279-7177
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4041463, Longitude: -73.6366517

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kim W


    I had the best experience at this practice! Very friendly and professional staff. I was greeted promptly as I arrived for my appointment and treated very well the entire visit. Thank you!

  • en

    Carolann Passafaro


    I want to thank the whole staff at Putnam Bright smile dentistry Everyone there made me feel very comfortable they are very sweet and kind.This is the first time in my life I had a lady dentist Amrita Patel She was great I really liked her. Will let everyone know about them. Thank You 😀

  • Rufus Kay

    Rufus Kay


    Truly THE worst, from top to bottom. The only positive thing I experienced was the dental hygienist who saw me. She was sweet. But unless you are looking to be sold every single thing under the sun and then wait MONTHS (no exaggeration) for them to try and weasel the insurance company, do yourself a favor and skip this place.

  • Petr123 paco

    Petr123 paco


    All of the old staff from oaktree is gone, and now they try selling invisalign every visit. Cleanings are not as good. My family and friends have moved on.

  • en

    Jk Mb


    One of the worst front desk and administrative staff I have dealt with. Ladies have such attitude and rude. No Patient care. I been a patient since oat tree dental. No More.

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