Pushkin's Bakery i Sacramento

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPushkin's Bakery



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1820, 29th Street, 95816, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 916-376-7752
internet side: www.pushkinsbakery.com
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Latitude: 38.5640255, Longitude: -121.4722238

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jason Williams


    Delicious gluten free and sugar full treats. Also some good looking sandwiches. I stop here a lot to pick up orders for Postmates. Very friendly service too.

  • Victor Cardenas

    Victor Cardenas


    I had a great experience here, the atmosphere is welcoming and the desserts are great tasting. Definitely satisfied my sweet tooth! Also vegan friendly. If you are passing through South Sacramento, be sure to add this as a pit stop in your itinerary, you won't regret it!

  • en

    Jeff Groetsema


    If you want vegan cake's and pastries, this is a good place to go. They also make vegan and vegetarian sandwiches that are really good. A bit pricey, but worth it. If you are picking up donuts and pastries on the weekends, be ready for a line! They do have outside seating but not inside.

  • en

    Jonnay Wenger


    Excellent selection of all gluten free and some vegan baked goods! The service is quick and friendly. Even the customers are helpful and pleasant. The treats are so tasty and you just can't get them anywhere else!

  • en

    Robert Paras


    Aesthetically, Pushkins is nice and clean. Other than that, the baked goods were forgettable in our experience. The lemon bar was edible, but the use of excess sugar was a disappointment. The bar was either dunked or dropped in an ocean of powdered sugar which made it difficult to eat unmodified. Since becoming a diabetic is not my goal, I had to pass up on more than half of the bar. The blueberry poppy seed muffin was dry and resembled cardboard in flavor. The toasted almond apple cake was also a major disappointment in overall flavor and texture. Customer Service was also lacking. The attitude of the only employee helping was dry, unfriendly, and she seemed overworked.

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