Pure Spa & Salon in New York

Vereinigte StaatenPure Spa & Salon



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43-34, 32nd Place, 11101, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-784-6400
webseite: purespanyc.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7456808, Longitude: -73.9327668

kommentare 5

  • Alexandra Victoria

    Alexandra Victoria


    My favorite SPA in the city. They always do a great job! Very friendly employees, beautiful interior and overall amazing atmosphere. A great plus point is the sauna which has a view over the city. My favorite treatments are the facials, they also have great hairstylists. I would highly recommend going there!

  • Jacqueline Shepherd

    Jacqueline Shepherd


    I loved my massage from Vanessa . I love the location cozy fireplace and cocktails. Roof deck in summer. I have never had a bad experience here . I find it to be one of the greatest experiences in our nieghborhood

  • en

    Courtney Hansen


    I went for a massage last night and for the first time at Pure Spa. For the first 30 mins there was jack hammering next door. And then the fire alarm went off 5mins before the massage was over. It wasn't an emergency it was a planned building test on the system. I would think before I booked a massage that was a treat for me, they would tell me this or give me something for my non - relaxing hour more then 10% off. Will not go back.

  • Vanessa Denola

    Vanessa Denola


    We are in the CityView Racquet Club which is across from the YMCA at 32nd Place and QB. Just one stop away from our old location! Come visit us, you won't be sorry! We have sauna, steam, city views, bar, fireplace--a huge improvement!

  • yvonne ortiz

    yvonne ortiz


    Where have you gone? You were the very best salon and spa in Sunnyside; all of Queens actually. I will miss you, you are irreplaceable. Tell me where I can find you? Thank you.

nächste Schönheitssalon

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