Punjab Auto Repair i Jersey City

Forenede StaterPunjab Auto Repair



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23, Brook Street, 07302, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-239-0600
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Latitude: 40.7185031, Longitude: -74.0549439

kommentar 5

  • Abhishek Sahni

    Abhishek Sahni


    Literally wrecked my engine. Didn’t know how to fix it.

  • en

    Amad Choudhry


    You ever heard of a machanic that does one job and messes up another ? Go here if you want that. They are terrible and theifs. They offered me to fix something that was perfectly fine. I went to another shop and they told me they lied to me and it’s a shame I’ve been going here for a long time and I kept going back maybe because they kept doing something to my car to mess it up. They are cheats scammers and DO NOT GO HERE!

  • Sidaty Sow

    Sidaty Sow


    I went here with my car he told me my starter was messed up and I needed to replace it , then offered to fix a few other things out of no where. Basically he lied it wasn’t the starter I just needed a new battery and I already had a warranty so he wanted $200 for a 0 dollar job. This is how mechanics get you he’s a thief. Dishonor person do not trust them.

  • Fouzia Salem

    Fouzia Salem


    The owner is Muhammad Saleem and the manager is Arfan. Owner does amazing work almost like magic!

  • Alex Kim

    Alex Kim


    Best Deal in town! Great price and great service. Will be back again. He had great reviews and they're spot on.

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