Puerto Rico Tires i Patchogue

Forenede StaterPuerto Rico Tires



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Montauk Highway, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-758-0849
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7703871, Longitude: -72.963473

kommentar 5

  • Richard A.

    Richard A.


    Best tire shop in the area. Guys always work hard and fast but best are open when others are closed

  • en



    Best place to get anything done with tires. They do it all new used flat and rotate. Best priced to boot.

  • Denise Tietjen

    Denise Tietjen


    The guys were quick and great. Will definitely be there again for any and all tire needs

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    Joanne Mcguire


    Great group of guys here!! Quick and efficient.... even had my bf come here to get his tire fixed. The guys that work there are very understanding!! Get ya in and out longest I’ve waited was maybe 8-9 min!!

  • Gilberto Borrero

    Gilberto Borrero


    Definitely not short of job knowledge. They are really good at what they do. Great customer care. More than happy to answer any and all of my questions. And boy, did I have a few. 🤙👍

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