Публичная библиотека Роквилл-центр w Rockville Centre

Stany ZjednoczoneПубличная библиотека Роквилл-центр



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221, North Village Avenue, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-766-6257
strona internetowej: www.rvclibrary.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6642139, Longitude: -73.6483046

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jenna Mamidi


    We love this library for the children’s section and programs. This place uniquely caters well to children of all ages. It’s adorable children’s play area is nice and clean. There is a small space for the kids to have snacks as well. The librarians in the children’s section are wonderful and so kind. And the changing space in the bathroom is always clean. They even have a small child bathroom. While I’ve seen larger libraries, this one is definitely nice. The parking can get a little crazy during busy times. But we always go during off peak times so it’s ok.

  • Charles T. Murray

    Charles T. Murray


    Was not able to spend much time here. A large, closed off children's room and a small, cozy, secluded 4 chair quiet corner. Periodical stacks were mediocre in titles. May give it another star if able to get back here and spend a bit more time discovering its virtues. Building and grounds fairly uninspiring.

  • en

    Marion Hochberg


    Excellent professional and very courteous staff. Located in a lovely neighborhood with easy access to main roads and public transportation.

  • en

    Tonya Jackson


    They are beautiful people that work here. They go above and beyond and are very knowledgeable.

  • Purse Queen61

    Purse Queen61


    This library has been a staple in my life as I grew up in the town. It's absolutely beautiful and is extraordinarily maintained. Yet it has gotten quite noisy over the past few years with employees and patrons seemingly running to and fro. Conversations can be heard throughout-- All in all it's still one of my favorite places to be.

najbliższy Biblioteka

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