Public Storage i Dallas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPublic Storage



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2439, Swiss Avenue, 75204, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 972-763-5465
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.785582, Longitude: -96.790615

kommentar 5

  • Amanda McCatherine

    Amanda McCatherine


    Shawn is awesome! So helpful and kind. He made my experience very easy!

  • en

    Homer Smith


    Brittney's service was awesome when I rented the other week. Will recommend anyone to rent at this location.

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    millermuller ballet


    Not tickled with the cost for the space. Management is very diligent to let you know when you're Not doing something the way they want. But when someone broke into our space (No CCTV, of course) they took over a month to replace the broken latch. This meant that we were unable to actually lock the space. We had to threaten a lawsuit if any of our belongings were stolen before they replaced the missing part. And that was an additional week. Recommendation: check out the policies of other area companies before renting from Public Storage.

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    Nikki W. Yinn


    2439 Swiss Ave, Dallas, TX 75204 03/06/2018 Public Storage & Associates Two of whom this may concern: I have experienced a wonderful customer service experience at public Storage first with the property manager helping me to cancel two previous storage reservations one of them was made at her property location on "Mockingbird" street in Dallas, TX. Her quick response to the problem saved me time and money. Whereas, I had lost my since of my directions. The third reservation was at the property on Swiss avenue in Dallas, TX. This property location will serve my needed area and my storage needs because it is closest to my residence area. Two days later I decided to upgrade to a larger size and Brenda, serviced me with the options thank you, so very much for the patience. whereas, I am having to juggling, several different tasks and keep a balance of work, college and public relations and community affairs all at one time. "Nikki W. Yinn” Again, thank you, "ladies" and associates at the public storage corporation.

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    Alphonso Hawkins


    Brittney was an awesome. Her customer service was excellent. I would recommend asking for her when looking for quality treatment.

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