psychic of stamford i Stamford

Forenede Staterpsychic of stamford



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827, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-554-1110
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.0996131, Longitude: -73.547233

kommentar 5

  • Melissa Wolfe

    Melissa Wolfe


    Insightful and helpful. Straight and to the point-no sugar coating. Amazing.

  • en

    Chris Comancho


    I just had my first reading with her, she's really great. Just from the energy I received alone right from the beginning; she is a very compassionate and honest person. She was able to accurately tune into many things going on in my life and also different people that I asked about including those who have passed on.. She also gave me really great advice that cleared up the confusion I have been feeling for quite some time. Make sure to bring a lot of questions (at least a page's worth).. I know many may try to be vague when they see a psychic to 'test' if they're legitimate but asking specific questions allows her to read the energy surrounding the question. She also focuses less on the 'wow' factor of just telling facts about you to rather giving you information and advice in a way that can be useful in making your own decisions about things. Also the healing at the end was really great, I'm still feeling light-hearted and very peaceful and confident about what my next steps are and also how to continue on my own spiritual Path. Bottom line is definitely see her if you're needing some serious clarity, guidance, and healing.. I'm definitely going to see her again!

  • en

    Jon Schulting


    If you anyone would have told me a year ago that I would be posting an online review for a psychic, I would have laughed at them...that's how skeptical and cynical I was about this whole thing. But one day I heard of Tiffany, and I couldn't get her out of my head, I was so compelled to talk to her that I now believe Spirit brought her into my life for a very special purpose. Thankfully, I decided to give it a try and I can say with certainty that my life will never be the same. She not only gave me the peace and comfort I was desperately needing, she also gave me the advice I had to hear to move on while being very specific about people and situations that she could not have possible known if it wasn't for how incredibly gifted she is. Her guidance and insight has made me a better person and has encouraged me to take a more spiritual path in life and for that I will be forever grateful. She is the real deal and I can't stop recommending her to everyone around me.

  • en

    Denise LaGuardia


    I had a Tarot card reading and reading was right, in details of my past, present and what my plan is for future. I would recommend and will come again.

  • Ana Fernandez

    Ana Fernandez


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