PS Systems w Nutley

Stany ZjednoczonePS Systems



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312, Washington Avenue, 07110, Nutley, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-667-4203
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8164748, Longitude: -74.1431214

komentarze 5

  • Tyler Janoski

    Tyler Janoski


    They're honest and won't rake you over the coals. Really like them. They're my go-to for computer repair.

  • en

    Tabitha B. Bartolini


    Just want to say thanks to the guys at PS Systems who helped me out with my personal laptop. I had been experiencing some problems recently with my laptop freezing on me, not running very smoothly. Also I knew I was badly in need of a "tune-up". I am a freelancer and I use my computer all day for personal and business use. Well, the minute my laptop was not powering on one morning, I was able to take it in the day-of. I appreciated very much the immediate response, and I was dealt with respectfully even though there may be other clients. It's been a couple of weeks and I have not had any major problems but was told I can drop it off if I have other problems. Anyway, I was satisfied and would recommend this service to others.

  • John Kelly

    John Kelly


    Wonderful Service. Over the years, no matter what I have brought in to them, whether it be a laptop or desktop, they have always been knowledgeable, straight forward and reasonable is repairs and costs.

  • en

    Jennifer G


    Great family run business with fast and friendly service. They took care of all our issues without loosing any of our files. We won't go anywhere else.

  • en

    A. Peter Ardito


    I had a great experience. Pete and Anthony were a wealth of information and extended themselves beyond my expectations. I had a 500 gig SSD installed in my lap top. They cloned my data, did a complete system diagnostic, performed the installation, and returned the computer to me in 24 hours. AND, their price for this service was incredibly reasonable. I hope my computer doesn't need to be serviced again, but if it does, there is no question as to where I would bring it. These guys were terrific.

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