Protect Your Home – ADT Authorized Premier Provider w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneProtect Your Home – ADT Authorized Premier Provider



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12-44B Clintonville St, 2nd Floor, Whitestone, NY 11357, США
kontakt telefon: +1 917-398-9563
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7900022, Longitude: -73.8120998

komentarze 5

  • Kc Andrew

    Kc Andrew


    I recently had to cancel my new installation through no fault of ADT or their installation company Protect Your Home. Their response was very profession and helpful. I was send the correct cancellation form with proper instruction in the data needed and the timeliness of my response. Great work guys.

  • Terri Stevens

    Terri Stevens


    The technician was very polite and knew what needed to be done. Was very professional in every aspect that I could see. Did his job and made sure we were comfortable with the new device and informed us if we had any questions.

  • Konica Goodson

    Konica Goodson


    The tech was very friendly and helpful. The initial call person was very nice and friendly. I had a concern about billing, but it turned out well. Good!

  • Marilyn Hernandez

    Marilyn Hernandez


    I would lke to say is your services is good specially your Technicians. They are very details in explaining everything. And about the alarm I feel that my family are very sexure.

  • Phillip Carolan

    Phillip Carolan


    my installer Kelley was excellent, he guided me thru the best option for my whole property even outside the house which was greatly appreciated as I am much more confident the system has my whole property covered and I am confident in its usage.

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