Pro-Fast i Tinicum Township

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6, Poulson Avenue, 19029, Tinicum Township, Delaware County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 610-521-3404
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Latitude: 39.861073, Longitude: -75.292242

kommentar 1

  • Dale Lasher

    Dale Lasher


    Profast is a new addition to our list of suppliers but has quickly become our go to for fasteners, and specialty items. From the first day we opened our account with Profast they have been going above and beyond for us. I cant even count how many times they lent us pull testing machines for weeks on end so we could conduct inspections at our convenience, on the note of countless I wonder how many times our account rep has personally driven material out to us....The third project we worked with Chris on was an emergency pinning project of over 6,000 pins to be installed immediately under the chance the brick would begin falling out, Profast was there every step of the way, this project was completed a head of schedule due to the speed at which Profast was able to secure and deliver highly specific materials from 4 different manufactures. Our rep is Chris Zoellner if you are lucky enough to get him, he will certainly contribute to the success of your firm.

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