Priority Rental en Newark

Estados UnidosPriority Rental



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290, Elizabeth Avenue, 07112, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 347-269-4480
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7128916, Longitude: -74.1931964

comentarios 2

  • en

    Steve Glass


    This is a great place to rent from. The service was quick and on time. The equipment we received was in excellent shape and preformed well. The staff is very knowledgeable and friendly. I will be renting here in the future. Thanks

  • Peter De Jianne

    Peter De Jianne


    I came to Priority Rental in crisis mode, I had a full office floor in NYC that the building HVAC was broken. It was 85 degrees on the floor and I needed to find a temporary solution ASAP. I reached out to Priority Rental at 4pm on a Friday and Luke and his team worked diligently until 10pm that night ensuring that I had the proper documentation for the delivery. Even the next day at I was on the phone with them at 8am organizing the delivery for portable HVAC units. Priority Rental were extremely helpful and great to work with, they made sure that I was delivered the solution we discussed. I cannot recommend them enough, they were an absolute pleasure to work with and if I ever need heating and cooling solutions in the future, they will be the only call I make.

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