Print Mor i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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636, Broadway, 10012, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 212-777-7624
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7261111, Longitude: -73.9956168

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kiana Jackson


    I walked in and not one of 3 people asked what I needed help with, once I managed to get one persons attention (who wouldn’t even look over from her work station as she talked to me) but she was unhelpful, as was the next person who actually came over but shrugged at my problem and walked away?? Finally spoke with a manger but by then I wanted a recommendation for another print shop.

  • Kaitlyn Raterman

    Kaitlyn Raterman


    Was looking for a local printer to complete a very small print job for me (4 copies of a poem on a thick, high-quality, textured stock). Just did not want to go to Fedex Print. Found this place. Victor is extremely helpful and kind. Completed the job for me quickly with no problems, end product came out beautifully.

  • en

    Michael Frith


    Excellent service, excellent results! All handled with professionalism and expertise. AND delivered to our doorstep. Thanks, Print Mor! --MF

  • en

    James Hammersley


    Great and flexible service. Victor and the team worked with us to make sure the 250 brochure print run looked great and was delivered on time on the other side of the city (even in a crazy snow storm hitting NYC): all within 48 hour notice.

  • Eddie Alvarez

    Eddie Alvarez


    I was so incredibly pleased with the business cards I had made. I had found Print Mor on Instagram and wanted to try them out. I am glad I did. Communication was very easy and all was done through email. The cards they made, which replaced cards that had been made by another vendor, were outstanding. The quality was great, and turn around time was good. I actually just placed a second order for different cards for my office since I was so pleased. Thank you Victor, Juan, and everyone at Print Mor.

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