Primera Insurance w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczonePrimera Insurance



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2118, South Zarzamora, 78207, San Antonio, Bexar County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-853-0701
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4010495, Longitude: -98.5290537

komentarze 5

  • Julius Lorenzi

    Julius Lorenzi


    My mom "had" Primera Insurance which is outsourced to; Agressive Insurance, Tejas Seguras, and Old American County Fire Insurance Comp. HORRIBLE small cheap insurance. Took one whole month to get an insurance adjuster to even look at the vehicle and two months for them to say the vehicle is totaled. They even charge you $35-$50 to take off the totaled vehicle! Worst Insurance company to ever work with. Yes they are cheap as dirt, but they are the DIRT. And they also outsource their adjusters to Ceslestite. Horrible just horrible!

  • en

    lorina delgado


    The employees as well as their TRAINER have the poorest customer service. They obviously take the money with no hesitation but will not properly explain what in all you are being covered for and charged for. THUMBS DOWN

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    Roxanne Lopez


    This location sucks! While making a payment, they always take their sweet time to do their job. I am always interrupted by someone on their phone, for which they give higher priority to the caller and not to me.They are clueless the majority of the time. Monica overcharged my debit card, instead of $3.00, she entered $300.00! No one else knew how to fix the error, before I left. I had to wait over a day for this huge mistake to be corrected. The owner was there but just collects the $$$, doesn’t know how to resolve errors when his trainers are not there.

  • en

    Adrian Gutierrez


    Not a good place. Terrible sercice. To OWNER

  • Juan Vela

    Juan Vela


    I had a pretty good experience here. Nice people. Pretty good service. No bad advice given. I think they are good people.

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