PrimeLending en Nashville

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4300, Sidco Drive, 37204, Nashville, Davidson County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 615-300-6262
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Latitude: 36.0840476, Longitude: -86.7614149

comentarios 1

  • Rahim Ezzadpanah

    Rahim Ezzadpanah


    Before i write a review i personally want to thank Eddie For helping us purchase our dream house. Thank You Eddie, you are the best out there. Me and my wife decided to buy a house in 2015 but couldn't find a perfect house till april 2016, we found one that we both loved and went to US bank to get our approval and they said Yes, You guys are pre approved and make an offer on any house you like, We made an offer on a house and Brian Hare the loan officer was so confident about everything, I don't know how he filled our application but he messed it up and 15 days later called me, telling me we have an issue, once i found out it was too late because they already canceled the loan without me knowing it, anyways, now ! So desperate to find another lender and get the house because we were so much in love with this house, Connie at Remax elite recommended Eddie and i gave him a call, he asked me if i can see him the same day i said sure, went to his office, very very knowledgeable and professional. He explained every single thing we needed to know and in less than 10 days, i am telling you guys in less than days we signed our closing docs. He was available anytime i wanted to talk to him and was ready to answer our questions and walk through everything with us, he gave us a perfect deal and can't be happier. Now as i am writing this review thats because there are so many people out there needing a good and trusted person to work with and Eddie is the right person to go to, you will not be disappointed because he knows his job and you will have a happy experience purchasing a house. I would recommend him to all my friends and family. Thank You again

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